Tuesday, 26 May 2020

ಸಿರಿಭೂವಲಯದ ಸರಳಪರಿಚಯಕೃತಿಗಳ ಸಮೀಕ್ಷೆ

***ಸಿರಿಭೂವಲಯ ಕುರಿತು ಸುಧಾರ್ಥಿಯು ರೂಪಿಸಿರುವ
     ಸರಳಪರಿಚಯಕೃತಿಗಳ ಒಂದು ಸಂಕ್ಷಿಪ್ತ ಸಮೀಕ್ಷೆ*** ಭಾಗ: ೧೦


Our scholars mention that rgere is a verse (sloka) in Shatkhandagama which eulogises Shrutadevi which  reads as: ’ಬಾರಹ ಅಂಗಾಗೀಝ ವಿಯಲಿಯ-ಮಲಮೂಢ ದಂಸಣುತ್ತಿಲಯ’ (’बारह अंगागीझवियलि-मलमूढदंसणुत्तिलय’) K.Srikamtaiah even before 1953 has  mentioned that this literature in Pali language is in Siribhuvalaya in the  first Chaptor (named  Vadanarangasthaladhikara) of the second Khanda !
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The words 'chinnada panjara'  (golden cage)  and 'vajrada panjara' (dimond cage) are used in Siribhuvalaya . here we have to consider the suggestive meaning  as  more important  that their verbatim meaning. Actually the verbatim meanings have no speciality! they actually mean cages which imprison or bind the living beings. Whether the cige is made up of bamboo, wood, iron, gold, diamond etc., has no relevance to the animals and birds kept inside them. They only have the  feeling of being  kept in prison. But it is not so in case of human beings !! If the cage is made up of bamboo or wood, he will be eager to break it open and come out. But if it is made up of Gold or diamond, it would become a matter of pride and prestige for him! He will be under the illusion that imprisonment is more enjoyable than real independence !! We have, therefore, to realize that more than tha material comforts that bind us in life, the independence of spiritual path is more signficant and desirable.
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There is a false belief that  radio, television, telephone,  and other mass  media are the invensions of modern science!  Kumudendu Muni  had  the necessary expertise in this technology and it is a fact that the same has been  appreciated by Gangarasa Saigotta Sivamara of Talakadu and  Rastrakoota Amoghavarsha Niupathunga. Siribhuvalaya declars that it is a bhuvalaya of such great saint-lineage who have discrded  these material comfirts, in spite of the possibility of getting great success and fame! (the horse- gait form hidden literature of poem numbers 52-54 of  Chaptor  36) while Kunudendu Muni kicked away these material  benifits in higher  spiritual pursuits, our present day few literary scholars are trying to exhibit their  'brilliance' by kicking the Siribhuvalaya itself !!
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when Kumudendu Muni  took the 'Anuvrata' pledge and following it, ha has  mentioned about the  practic of  perforning 'Asvamedha Yajna' those days. When we consider the meaning of 'Yajna' as 'nonviolence', the 'Asvamedha Yajna' cannot become a ritual of haorse sacrifice! Henc, it is has  to be understood clearly  that 'YaJna' does not mean anilalsacrifice. By follawing the Anuvrata., the Kumudendu Muni has highlighted the greatness of Shaiva religon and also given the exact and true meaning to 'Yajna' . But many scholars lack the level of scholarliness of Kumudendu Muni and consequently 'Yajna' has been wrongly interpreted as animal sacrifice ritual. Far this reason, there is a meaningless belief  that animals should be sacrificed and its meat  consumed  as gad's gracefulgift. But such a ritual is definately outside the tenets of Vedas.(Pl. see. Chapter 45- 2nd  foot of the whole poems- first letterd Stamba Kavya). In Jainism, ahimsa (non vilence)is the standard by which all actions are judged. For a householder observing the small vows ( anuvrata)  the practice of ahimsa requires that he should not kill any animal life. However, for an ascetic observing the great vows (mahavrata), ahimsa entails the greatest care to prevent him from Knowingly or unknowingly being the cause of injury to any liveng soul (Jiva) ; thus, ahimsa applies not only to human beings and to large animals but also to insects, plants and microves.
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A man will be born rich or poor depending on his previous 'Karmas' It is a natural inheritance and its change over should also be natural. Pgysical body is the original  asste or capital of a poor person. He has to eke out a  living by physical exetion in the service of rich people. This practicle rule of the nature has been advocated by Sri Jayendra Saraswati  Swamiji of Kanchi Peetha. But thous who want to becpme rich over-night, they hate this type of life-long physcial exertion exercise ! How is it possible for those who live in this manner.  Which is opposed to practical laws of nature, to get solace and peace in life ?
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The Sanskrit language which came into the fore in ancient times attracted the attention of many scholars.Consequwntly, Kannada language took the back-seat. This is a historical Fact. The credit for fostering and  nurturing Kannada language should go to our ancient Jain tradition followers. The influemce of English language, of late, has also side-lined the importance of Kannada language. Kannada language is the precious property of over six crore Kannadigas. But a  situation has come now that Kannada language is not indispensable for Kannadigas to eke out a living ! The rural population is also nat out of this influence. then, who has to turn towards this Knowledge-treasure of Siribhuvalaya?  The Kannada language and culture in in-built in us. It is very necessary   that this great culture is preserved and passed on to our next generations. I fervently hope that the real admigers and lovers of Kannada pay attention to and take  steps towards further reserch, introduction, publication and publicity of this  '10th Wonder of the World' .
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By the influence or refinement or culture of their previous births, we find that many small children exhibit extra-ordinary talents in the field of music or dance which even be wilder the greats in the field !The sad part of it is that such exhibittion of talents is now limited to only music and dance fields. Such talented children should be encouraged to study Siribuvalaya  seriously and identify the literature of many Languages. This will be an opportunity for such children to  achieve something ehich has not been achived by any in the  world. It is upto the parents to identify such talents in  their children and encourage them in this direction  facilitating greater accomplishments in the world literary field.
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Many people are not prepared to accept the co-ordination of all religions advocated by Kumudendu Muni !  Becaus all of them are under the illusion that their religon is supreme. Leave alone he many traditions of the world, even within the small sphere of Shiva, Vaishnava and Mahva traditionalist, differences still exist ! It is a common practice to pray to God by various means  (worship, chanting of hymns, fire rituals etc.,)  to come out of woridly miseries and  troubles including ill- helth. While one suggests chanting of 'Mryuthyunjaya Japa'  some suggest performing Sudarshana Homa. Some other advocate that 'Navagraha Homa' is the  best while some others hold that the worship of Pranadeva (Hanuman) is ultimate ! ultimateely, the faith of the individual holds the key here and the final destination point is also one and the same ! No question of superior or inferior methods arises here !
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Hiddan literature within hidden literature:
The hidden literature in the whole and foot-poems from 12 th to 59th  Chaptors of Siribhuvalaya has been  marked by the horse-gait  symbol. they have been culled  out and printed separately. they are very meaningfull poem- prose form. If we again systematically  identify the horse-gait form in this same hidden literature, the original poems of Siribhuvalaya will emerge as another hidden literature !  In some places, the horse-gait hidden literature also re- emerges! Naturally there will be some flaws in letters. In the hidden literature of all the Chapters also, we can notice the emergence of this kind of horse-gait literature. To mark the harse-gait symblos again like this needs sufficient time, and hence I have not attempted it. But still, as an example, I have presented a few portions in 'Siribhuvalayasaara' and the interested may have a look  at this.
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All man-kind is one. Everybody should live in peace, hormony and lead a kind and righteous life ensuring soclal peace and emancipation of individual lives.  This is the universal guiding principal. However, this applies to only material living. The same yard-stick  not apply to the life of a person in  pursuit of eternal  or spiritual emancipation !  His real standing or capabilites are dependent on his previous benevolent acts and refinement. It cannot be judged based on the basis of cast or set eight by the principle of social  equality.
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Kumudendu Muni's Siribhuvalaya has categorically and beyond doubt established the fact that  Rg.Veda is the most ancient source of all Knowledge. The Jain tradition,though may have a history of crores of years, has its root in Vedopanishads. We can see that Kumudendu Muni has described these Vedopanishads as very benign, venerable and holy.
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Generally, the reading or writing of any  language will be from left right. The Arab script is opposit to this. This reverse  order of reading can be seen in Kannada language also in Siribhuvalaya ! there are two sangatyas are writen as:  ’'ಯುನಾಶಯುತ್ ನನಜಿಅತ್ ನ್ ಅಹ್ ಇ ರ್ ಅನ್ ಹರಅರಷಕ್ ಜಾಈಬ್ ಲಮದಕಟಷ್ ಕೋಇಗ್ ಗ್ ಮರಸದ ಗನ್ ಭ್ ಧ ರ್ ರದಯಾರಿಹಿ ಕನ್ ಧಾಬ್ ಲದನ್ ಬಳುಒದ್ ಅ ಮ್ ಲೋನುಅ ಮಲೋತಿರಪ್’ ’ಗಮಅನ್ ಅಣ್ ಷ್ ರುಕ್ ಯಜ ಇವ್ ಮಿಏನ್ ಅ ಮ್ ರಕ್ ರತ್ ನ್ ಮಹಾಮದ ಲಡನ್ ಮಷಿಋರಿಶ್ ಲಮಯಧಿದ್ ರಿಣಿವಾನಜಿದಕಮಗರತ್ ಸೂಹಾಮಥರ್ ವಾತ್ ತದವಾಯಣೀಮರ” ಎಂಬ ಎರಡು ಸಂಗತ್ಯ ಪದ್ಯಗಳಿವೆ.
the revers reading of this liteature  gives the folloeing Kannada  literature ! ''ರಮಣೀಯವಾದ ತತ್ ವಾರ್ಥಮಹಾಸೂತ್ರ ಗಮಕದ ಜಿನವಾಣಿರಿದ್ಧಿ |ಯಮಲಶ್ರೀ ಋಷಿಮಂಡಲದ  ಮಹಾಮಂತ್ರಕ್ರಮ ನೇಮಿ ವಿಜಯ ಕೃಷ್ಣನಮಗ|೬೩|  ಪ್ರತಿಲೋಮ  ಅನುಲೋಮದೊಳುಬಂದ ಲಬ್ಧಾಂಕಹಿರಿಯದರರ್ಧ ಭಂಗದ ಸರಮಗ್ಗಿ | ಕೋಷ್ಟಕದ ಬೀಜಾಕ್ಷರ ಅರಹನರಿಹಂತ ಜಿನನತ್ಯುಶನಾಯು||
(these are the two poems (in Sangatya style)  in ascending and descending order. there is a reference to two ancient works in this poem viz.,  'Tattvarthamahasutra' and 'RuShimaMDala.'  Details of other information  emerging from the mathematical  tables are also given here).
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With the initiative taken by Maharshi Devarata of Gokarna, who was a close associate of Dr.Rajendra Prasad, and  as per the  direction of the  then President of India, Dr. Rajendra prasad, this rare document was preserved in the National Archaelogy in micro-film gormat. The introduction programe of Siribhuvalaya  was held in a crowded hall where dignitaries, meadia persons, scholars and artists from  different parts of the world were present. Many scholars of America, Japan, Hungary and other countris described this amazing book  as  'The tenth wonder of the World' .
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In a man's  Life, birth and deth are only certain. Many will not belive that there is a re-birth after death and that by eradicating the accumulated 'Karmas' one has to attain salvation. Some may say that it is a cock and bull story. But Kumudendu Muni has categorically stated in Siribhuvalaya that the facts mentioned about emancipation/salvation in VedopaniShads are  not false and that it can be practically experienced in life. ( Pl .See 43rd-45th Chapter- 4th foot of the whole poems- first lettered Stamba Kavya).
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At the outset, it appears that  all communits-Hindus, Brahmins, Jains, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, Veerashaivas etc., are under the illusios that they have their own identity. Only a few, among these communities, by virtue of their individual  efforts emergeas leading personalites and become great in society. For this reason, any cast  or tradition will not over-nighe become 'Supereme' or  'low' !
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At all times, each community has people of all characters-good and bad. However, depending upon the country, time, nature, environment and econonic disparty, there may be  variation in the nunber of these combinations. But it is impossible to find completely  good or bad people. Since the beginning of the universe, the Vedopanishads have been  propagating the same fact. Since many of these things are in Sanskrit language, most of the people cannot undeestand then. One can notice in Siribhuvalaya that Kumudandu Muni has explained these things in a very simple Kannada language, The same thing has been repeated by many gerat people in the world.  However, the statements of Kumudendu Muni in  siribhuvalaya about all issues in the world in Kannada litrature embedded in Kannada numeric form have their  own significance and importance . (ಮುಂದುವರೆಯುವುದು)

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