***ಸಿರಿಭೂವಲಯ ಕುರಿತು ಸುಧಾರ್ಥಿಯು ರೂಪಿಸಿರುವ
ಸರಳಪರಿಚಯಕೃತಿಗಳ ಒಂದು ಸಂಕ್ಷಿಪ್ತ ಸಮೀಕ್ಷೆ*** ಭಾಗ: ೧೦
People generally believe that consumption of nutrious and delicious food will nurture the body and strengthen it. Without food the body will suffer. But , in a way, rejecting this belief , Kumudendu Muni states like this: ತಂಪುನೀರಿನ ಕೊಳದೊಳಗಿರುವ ತಾವರೆಯಹೂವು ತನ್ನ ಶರೀರದ ಶಾಖದಿಂದಲೇ ಸೌಖ್ಯವಾಗಿರುವಂತೆ , ಅಮೋಘವಾದ ರಸವಸ್ತುಗಳ ತ್ಯಾಗದಿಂದ ದೇಹವು ಕುಂದುವುದಿಲ್ಲ” that is- a lotus flower in a pond sustain only on the strength of the heat of its stem. Similarly , by avoiding rich food , the body will not suffer. (Pl . See Chaprer35.4th foot of the whole poems - first lettreed Stamba Kavya).
* * *
In 1953 the printed version of siribhuvalaya containg 33 Chapters (in letter form)was published wherein the method of emerggence of hidden literature was explained. But none of our great kannada scholars attempted to take up this task. with the publicaton of Siribhuvalayasarra in 2010. even the common reders and scholars have been able to relish the litreary fragrance of Kumudendu Muni. Prog. G. Venkatasubbaiah, centenarian and a very senior scholar of Kannada has mentioned in his scholariy preface that Sudharthy is the first person to segregate the hidden litrature systematically and present it in simple readable format to common readers. Now, within a couple of years, a few others have also claimed that they extracted the hidden literature ( which could not be accomplished in the post 60 years) ! It is also learnt that some of them have prepared doctoral thesis and are in the que to obtain Doctorate degree! it is a matter of pride (?) that this wonderful and tricky poetry become so easily digestible by our University students and other literary enthusiasts. It is a happy thing that there are many beneficiaries enjoying the fruits of several years of hard work of someone else?!
* * *
It is significant to note that Kumudendu Muni has referred to the name of Kumulabbe several times . Kumudendu Muni has earlier said that he has prepared the Siribhuvalaya which earlier in two forms- Praktana and Nootana. From this , we can infer that Kumulabbe had prepared Siribhuvalaya even before 800 AD. This need to be taken note of by our scholars. there is a statement in Siribhuvalaya : 'ಕುಮುಲಬ್ಬೆ ರಕ್ಷಿತ’ ’ರಚಿತ’ this shows that even before Kumudendu Muni , the poetess Kumulabbe had prepared Siribhuvalaya and preserved it. or there is also a possibility that Kumudendu Muni may have referred to some other work prepared by Kumulabbe. (Pl. see. chapter 46- poem no. 106).
* * *
K. Srikantaiah has given the simple explanation of 'Narayanastra Chakra' quoted in Siribhuvalaya. This is also known as 'Sudarshana cahkra' and 'Shabdagama Chakra'* . It has 5,10,30000(Five crores ten lakhs and thirty thousand ) edges . This has been explained by Kumudendu Muni thus: ’ ಧರ್ಮಧ್ವಜದರೊಳುಕೆತ್ತಿದ ಚಕ್ರ| ನಿರ್ಮಲದಷ್ಟುಹೂವುಗಳಂ| ಸ್ವರ್ಮನದಗಳೈವತ್ತೊಂದು ಸೊನ್ನೆಯು|ಧರ್ಮದ ಕಾಲುಲಕ್ಷಗಳೇ||ಆಪಾಟಿಯಂಕದೊಳೈದುಸಾವಿರಕೂಡೆ| ಶ್ರೀಪಾದಪದ್ಮಾಂಗದಲ| ರೂಪಿ ಅರೂಪಿಯಾದೊಂದರೊಳ್ ಪೇಳುವ | ಶ್ರೀಪದ್ಧತಿಯಭೂವಲಯ|| When this Sudarshana Chakra is roteted, after marking 1-64 numbers on its spoke gives out the details of all languages- used at all times- whether pure or impure, good or bad, written or non written- in the form of words embaded in big number from within the simple 92 digits. Kumudendu Muni declares that no word remanis outside this. Taking note of this , Dr. S. Srikanta Shastry has concented to the ancientness of this great Work !
* The Sudarshana Chakra is a spining, disk like super wepon used by the Hindu god Vishnu. The Sudarshana Chakra is portrayed on the right rear hand of the four handa of Vishnu , who also holds a Shanka (a conch shell) in his left fore hand,a Gada (mace) in his left rear hand, and a Padma (lotus bud) in his right fore hand. According to the Puranas, Sudarshana Chakra is used for the ultimate destruction of an enemy. The depiction of Vishnu with Sudaeshana Chakra also means that Vishunu is the keep-owner of the celestial bodies and hevens.
* * *
The practice of caste system, diffrent religous practices, use of diffrent langauages among human beings is in vogue since centuries. They have trend . it makes it clear that even before 1200 years people in India were practing their own religious practices. The great 18 languages such as Kannada, Magadhi, Malave, Late, Gowda, Gurjara, etc., are related to the great 'divine voice' of Jina Deva; this fact also has been specifically mentioned in Siribhuvalaya. (Pl. see Chapter46- 2nd foot of the whole poems- last lettered stamba Kavya).
* * *
The Rg.Veeda mentioned by Kumudendu Muni begins with the hymv: Tatsaviturvareniyam'- 'ತತ್ಸವಿತುರ್ವರೇಣೀಯಂ’ of the Gayathri Mantra. The contemporary Rg.Veda begins with the Word 'Agnimeele' - 'ಅಗ್ನಿಮೀಳೆ’. This subject was a matter of discussion by 1953 itself and this fact has been included in Siribhuvalayasaara. Now, we can find that this word has been used in Siribhuvalaya also. (Pl. see. Chapter38- hidden literature of the whole poems in horse- gait- poem No. 41) This makes it certain that this word 'Agnimeele' has been used 1200 years ago itself ! In the hidden literature of the poem numbers 42-43 of the same Chaprer in horse-gait style., We can also notice information pertaining to grammar.
* * *
Earlier it was a strenuous and stupendous task to make copies of any religious scripts. It was nideed a very daunting task to make at least one or two copies. There was fear of complete destruction of the book if it went to the hands of an athesit. The task of copy-writing of a big scripture like Siribhuvalaya was nideed very difficult. Now times have changed. the original script can be preserved and the xorex copy given for further research etc., It is biyond explanation why our Jain community leaders are hiding this work beyond the reach of anyone. Their intentions are also not clear ! they can at least part with the xerox copy of the original. they have every pride that this '10th Wonder of the World' has been written by Kumudendu Muni, their own community man. But what is the secret of some religious leaders and their scholarly advisers being still negligent on this issue? This is as secret as the Siribhuvalaya itself !
* * *
It should be a matter of pride to any Kannadiga to introduce this wonderfull work- Siribhuvalaya- to the entire world and draw the attention of world scholars. Instead of that, without studieng the scripture, keeping it wrapped up inside a box and worshipping it would only be a foolish act? ! or, if there are any strong reasons for this, it should be properly explained to others.
* * *
The mysteries surrounding Siribhuvalaya appear more deeper and enigmatic ! Many powerfil forces appear to be at work in making this still more mysterious. These are all like passing clouds. they can only cover the sun for some time; but they can not eleminate the sun ! Kumudendu Muni and his Sarvabhashamayeebhasha Siribhuvalaya are like sun in the world literary field. To hide it permanently is only imaginary illusion of som people; such a task is beyond anybody's capacity.
I have on other intentions in presenting these facts. I have nothing to gain by unnecessarily criticizing or tranishing others. Based on these historical facts, without losing direction a proper research work should take place. this is only my real intention. In spite of this, sometimes I have a feeling that I should not have evinced so much interest in Siribhuvalaya. I know that, in no way, I have the requisite expertise and knowledge to grasp the treasure of Siribhuvalaya Knowledge. It is a great history and record that 8 Kannada great scholars have won the 'Jnanapeetha Award' (the highest award of the country in the literary field). There are also many other great scholars who have won several accolades and hanoues. But all of them have remained silent and as a result Siribhuvalaya has remained in the dark even now.
* * *
Most of the literary greats of Kannada field such as Rashtrakavi Manjeswra Govinda Pai, SeDiyapu Krishna Bhatta, Alur Venkata Rao, A. Venkatasubbaiah , BM Srikantaiah, DVG, DLN, A.R. Krishna Shastry, M.R.Srinivasa Murthy, Thi.num. Shri, Devudu Narasimha Shastry, KV Puttappa, Aa.Na, Kru, Ta.Ra.Su, K. Shivarama Karanta, G.P. Rajarathnam, and others were aware about the research of Siribhuvalaya. Among them , except a few, most of them had the seal of University education. Some of them did not consider the research by this 'undeucated' as proper ! Some of their followers who later became famous also tread the same path. Then who is there to digest this 'iron-nut'?
* * *
To avoid others coming to know of the secret of preparation of gold, it is also a true fact that Yellappa Shastry (The custodian of Siribhuvalaya )was not giving consent to others to examine the number-circles. It is also certion that only K. Srikantaiah was aware about the Akshara Bhuvalaya. Without the support of this Akshara Bhuvalaya, it was not possible to comprehensively print the 1953 Siribhuvalaya edition. To obtain the chain of letters from the number -circles and cla them in the present forn and print is really an unimaginable task ! To classify the whole poems and foot-poems and decide their chronolgcal numbers is a daunting and impossible task to any intellectual. I have not discussed about this in detail in 'Siribhuvalayasara' . But after the publication of this book and detailed discussion with my friend , this issue again drew my attention. I have given the relevant details in my book: 'Siribhuvalayada Ayda Sangatyapadyagala Sangraha' (Pl. see. p.171) the different versions that appear in 'Akshara Bhuvalaya' and use of certion conjoined letters (samyuktkshara) are the reason for shch a view. it is also certin that the relevant documents of this great poetry was preserved in the National Archaeology even before the publication of first printed version in1953. The documents included certain original number-circles on buff paper and literature in letter/word form pertaining to Chapters 1 to 59 of the first Khanda. the article of lete shankarappa (son of elder brother of Srikantaiah) confirms that it is in the hand-writing of Srikantaiah. I have also learnt that during those days Srikantaiah used to get fair copies of his drafts done from certain college students whose Kannada writing style was good.
* * *
As already mentioned several times, the traditional Jains have no faith in Vedas. The vedic tradition people consider Jains outside the purview of Vedas. But the Yapaneeya sect of Jains, who propagate universal oneness, belive in the tenets of Vedas ! Kumudendu Muni has maentioned that the 'Senagana' sect (one of the prominent sects of Jain tradition) belonged to Rk,Branch ! ( Kumudendu Muni also belonged to 'Sena Gana' sect) then, how can Jains oppose Vedas?! ( Pl/see. chaptor 44,Foot-2.first lettered Stamba Kavya).
* * *
Those who follow Jainism, should strictly adhere to 'Dasha Dharma' Dharma is only one: i.e., 'Manava Dharma' 'JeevaDharma' The 'dasha Dharma' in Jain tradition are:
1) Uttamakshama: A quakity of forgiving any mistakes. Shishupala is a relative of Sri Krishana. Gis mother, who knew that hewould be killed by Sri Krishna,prays Sri Krishan to spare him. Sri Krishna honours her request and promises to gorgive his 101 mistakes. when sri Krishna was worhippes during the Rajasuyayaga,Shishupala goes on scolding sri Krishana and commits 101 mistakes and consequently gets killed by Sri Krishana. this quality of gorgiveness ( without restoring to immeriate punitive action) is Uttamahshama.
2) Uttamamardava: 'Mardava' means being 'gentle' or 'soft' . that is, one should not behave rashly and rudely.
3)Uttamaarjava: Avoiding deceiving and cheating.
4)Uttamashoucha: Having a pure and divine mind; beyond any attachments (Generally, this is also referred to keeping the physical body clean).
5)Uttamasatys: Generally, not uttering a lie is referred to truth. but this is not limited to this. The state of remaining unaffected or undaunted in any country, thme and environmant is the real truth. Truth also represenys Brahma. Brahma means that which is very big and that which dies not change.
6)Uttamasamyama: leading a disciplined life by having sufficent control over the senses.
7)Uttamatapa: It means meditating, both internaly and externally, throughout about thev Lord Suprimeby Sacrificingthe wordly desires and aspirations and thereby attain ultimatesalvation (Nirjhare Moksha)
8) Uttamatyaga: Thyaga - renunciation means renouncing the wordly desires and ambitions. It does ont mean simply giving away non -wanted thinga to others.
9)Uttamaakinchinya: It denotes a feeling that except 'Jnana' (Knowledge) and 'Darshana' (sight) none else is mine. Knowledge means realization. Darsana makes us realize the invisible Lord Suprems.
10)Uttamabrahmacharya: Brahma neans that which is colossal and wich is very vast. It means becoming one with the Brahma and moving with His perception. 'Remaining unmaraied' is a very limited meaning of Branhacharya.
These are known as 'Dasha dharma' in the Jain tredition. one who follows them is known as : Dashadharmadhara. Kumudendu Muni has referred to sri Krishana as Dashadharmadhara. similarly, Sage Vyasa, who classified the Vedas is also called Dashadharmadhara. One who is aware of these things will definitely adopt a special life-style for himself. Kumudendu Muni has declared that the study of Siribhuvalaya will become a cause for creation of new people !
* * *
Dr. S. Srikanta Shastry has written several research papers on Siribhuvalaya. After 2000, A team of scholars headed by Dr. TV Venkatachala Shastry attempted to re- print Siribhuvalaya in their own way. But it did not materialize !
Authentic information about the 1953 print version of Siribhuvalaya and the comparative analysis of the books published about Siribhuvalaya has bean dealt in 'Siribhuvalayasaara' . This book is not just a cursory introduction of Siribhuvalaya but an invaluable guid to Kannada literary researchers.
Though the hidden literature in 1953 print has been extracted and published in Siribhuvalayasaara, it is not possible to easily read it. for this reason, 'Siribhuvalayada Ayda Sangatya padyagala Sangraha' has beem published in 2011. withits publication, the Kannada readers have been enabled to read them easily and enyoy the literary fragrance of Kumudendu Muni,
'Siribhuvalaya the Tenth Wonder of the world'- which is before you now its English version by Kavi Suresh.
* * *
Based on the inspiration of K. Ananthasubba Rao, sometimes I feel that it is height of my foolishness to have taken up this task. But what can I do? This was all pre-determined in my life and accordingly I have done this work. I appeal to all my benvolent people to pardon me for this arrogance ! if any discrepancies or shortcomings are noticed in this English version , I would like to make it clear that the translator is in no way responsible for the same. My humble submission is that it may be because of the intricacies of my Kannada introductory books. (ಮುಂದುವರೆಯುವುದು)
ಸರಳಪರಿಚಯಕೃತಿಗಳ ಒಂದು ಸಂಕ್ಷಿಪ್ತ ಸಮೀಕ್ಷೆ*** ಭಾಗ: ೧೦
People generally believe that consumption of nutrious and delicious food will nurture the body and strengthen it. Without food the body will suffer. But , in a way, rejecting this belief , Kumudendu Muni states like this: ತಂಪುನೀರಿನ ಕೊಳದೊಳಗಿರುವ ತಾವರೆಯಹೂವು ತನ್ನ ಶರೀರದ ಶಾಖದಿಂದಲೇ ಸೌಖ್ಯವಾಗಿರುವಂತೆ , ಅಮೋಘವಾದ ರಸವಸ್ತುಗಳ ತ್ಯಾಗದಿಂದ ದೇಹವು ಕುಂದುವುದಿಲ್ಲ” that is- a lotus flower in a pond sustain only on the strength of the heat of its stem. Similarly , by avoiding rich food , the body will not suffer. (Pl . See Chaprer35.4th foot of the whole poems - first lettreed Stamba Kavya).
* * *
In 1953 the printed version of siribhuvalaya containg 33 Chapters (in letter form)was published wherein the method of emerggence of hidden literature was explained. But none of our great kannada scholars attempted to take up this task. with the publicaton of Siribhuvalayasarra in 2010. even the common reders and scholars have been able to relish the litreary fragrance of Kumudendu Muni. Prog. G. Venkatasubbaiah, centenarian and a very senior scholar of Kannada has mentioned in his scholariy preface that Sudharthy is the first person to segregate the hidden litrature systematically and present it in simple readable format to common readers. Now, within a couple of years, a few others have also claimed that they extracted the hidden literature ( which could not be accomplished in the post 60 years) ! It is also learnt that some of them have prepared doctoral thesis and are in the que to obtain Doctorate degree! it is a matter of pride (?) that this wonderful and tricky poetry become so easily digestible by our University students and other literary enthusiasts. It is a happy thing that there are many beneficiaries enjoying the fruits of several years of hard work of someone else?!
* * *
It is significant to note that Kumudendu Muni has referred to the name of Kumulabbe several times . Kumudendu Muni has earlier said that he has prepared the Siribhuvalaya which earlier in two forms- Praktana and Nootana. From this , we can infer that Kumulabbe had prepared Siribhuvalaya even before 800 AD. This need to be taken note of by our scholars. there is a statement in Siribhuvalaya : 'ಕುಮುಲಬ್ಬೆ ರಕ್ಷಿತ’ ’ರಚಿತ’ this shows that even before Kumudendu Muni , the poetess Kumulabbe had prepared Siribhuvalaya and preserved it. or there is also a possibility that Kumudendu Muni may have referred to some other work prepared by Kumulabbe. (Pl. see. chapter 46- poem no. 106).
* * *
K. Srikantaiah has given the simple explanation of 'Narayanastra Chakra' quoted in Siribhuvalaya. This is also known as 'Sudarshana cahkra' and 'Shabdagama Chakra'* . It has 5,10,30000(Five crores ten lakhs and thirty thousand ) edges . This has been explained by Kumudendu Muni thus: ’ ಧರ್ಮಧ್ವಜದರೊಳುಕೆತ್ತಿದ ಚಕ್ರ| ನಿರ್ಮಲದಷ್ಟುಹೂವುಗಳಂ| ಸ್ವರ್ಮನದಗಳೈವತ್ತೊಂದು ಸೊನ್ನೆಯು|ಧರ್ಮದ ಕಾಲುಲಕ್ಷಗಳೇ||ಆಪಾಟಿಯಂಕದೊಳೈದುಸಾವಿರಕೂಡೆ| ಶ್ರೀಪಾದಪದ್ಮಾಂಗದಲ| ರೂಪಿ ಅರೂಪಿಯಾದೊಂದರೊಳ್ ಪೇಳುವ | ಶ್ರೀಪದ್ಧತಿಯಭೂವಲಯ|| When this Sudarshana Chakra is roteted, after marking 1-64 numbers on its spoke gives out the details of all languages- used at all times- whether pure or impure, good or bad, written or non written- in the form of words embaded in big number from within the simple 92 digits. Kumudendu Muni declares that no word remanis outside this. Taking note of this , Dr. S. Srikanta Shastry has concented to the ancientness of this great Work !
* The Sudarshana Chakra is a spining, disk like super wepon used by the Hindu god Vishnu. The Sudarshana Chakra is portrayed on the right rear hand of the four handa of Vishnu , who also holds a Shanka (a conch shell) in his left fore hand,a Gada (mace) in his left rear hand, and a Padma (lotus bud) in his right fore hand. According to the Puranas, Sudarshana Chakra is used for the ultimate destruction of an enemy. The depiction of Vishnu with Sudaeshana Chakra also means that Vishunu is the keep-owner of the celestial bodies and hevens.
* * *
The practice of caste system, diffrent religous practices, use of diffrent langauages among human beings is in vogue since centuries. They have trend . it makes it clear that even before 1200 years people in India were practing their own religious practices. The great 18 languages such as Kannada, Magadhi, Malave, Late, Gowda, Gurjara, etc., are related to the great 'divine voice' of Jina Deva; this fact also has been specifically mentioned in Siribhuvalaya. (Pl. see Chapter46- 2nd foot of the whole poems- last lettered stamba Kavya).
* * *
The Rg.Veeda mentioned by Kumudendu Muni begins with the hymv: Tatsaviturvareniyam'- 'ತತ್ಸವಿತುರ್ವರೇಣೀಯಂ’ of the Gayathri Mantra. The contemporary Rg.Veda begins with the Word 'Agnimeele' - 'ಅಗ್ನಿಮೀಳೆ’. This subject was a matter of discussion by 1953 itself and this fact has been included in Siribhuvalayasaara. Now, we can find that this word has been used in Siribhuvalaya also. (Pl. see. Chapter38- hidden literature of the whole poems in horse- gait- poem No. 41) This makes it certain that this word 'Agnimeele' has been used 1200 years ago itself ! In the hidden literature of the poem numbers 42-43 of the same Chaprer in horse-gait style., We can also notice information pertaining to grammar.
* * *
Earlier it was a strenuous and stupendous task to make copies of any religious scripts. It was nideed a very daunting task to make at least one or two copies. There was fear of complete destruction of the book if it went to the hands of an athesit. The task of copy-writing of a big scripture like Siribhuvalaya was nideed very difficult. Now times have changed. the original script can be preserved and the xorex copy given for further research etc., It is biyond explanation why our Jain community leaders are hiding this work beyond the reach of anyone. Their intentions are also not clear ! they can at least part with the xerox copy of the original. they have every pride that this '10th Wonder of the World' has been written by Kumudendu Muni, their own community man. But what is the secret of some religious leaders and their scholarly advisers being still negligent on this issue? This is as secret as the Siribhuvalaya itself !
* * *
It should be a matter of pride to any Kannadiga to introduce this wonderfull work- Siribhuvalaya- to the entire world and draw the attention of world scholars. Instead of that, without studieng the scripture, keeping it wrapped up inside a box and worshipping it would only be a foolish act? ! or, if there are any strong reasons for this, it should be properly explained to others.
* * *
The mysteries surrounding Siribhuvalaya appear more deeper and enigmatic ! Many powerfil forces appear to be at work in making this still more mysterious. These are all like passing clouds. they can only cover the sun for some time; but they can not eleminate the sun ! Kumudendu Muni and his Sarvabhashamayeebhasha Siribhuvalaya are like sun in the world literary field. To hide it permanently is only imaginary illusion of som people; such a task is beyond anybody's capacity.
I have on other intentions in presenting these facts. I have nothing to gain by unnecessarily criticizing or tranishing others. Based on these historical facts, without losing direction a proper research work should take place. this is only my real intention. In spite of this, sometimes I have a feeling that I should not have evinced so much interest in Siribhuvalaya. I know that, in no way, I have the requisite expertise and knowledge to grasp the treasure of Siribhuvalaya Knowledge. It is a great history and record that 8 Kannada great scholars have won the 'Jnanapeetha Award' (the highest award of the country in the literary field). There are also many other great scholars who have won several accolades and hanoues. But all of them have remained silent and as a result Siribhuvalaya has remained in the dark even now.
* * *
Most of the literary greats of Kannada field such as Rashtrakavi Manjeswra Govinda Pai, SeDiyapu Krishna Bhatta, Alur Venkata Rao, A. Venkatasubbaiah , BM Srikantaiah, DVG, DLN, A.R. Krishna Shastry, M.R.Srinivasa Murthy, Thi.num. Shri, Devudu Narasimha Shastry, KV Puttappa, Aa.Na, Kru, Ta.Ra.Su, K. Shivarama Karanta, G.P. Rajarathnam, and others were aware about the research of Siribhuvalaya. Among them , except a few, most of them had the seal of University education. Some of them did not consider the research by this 'undeucated' as proper ! Some of their followers who later became famous also tread the same path. Then who is there to digest this 'iron-nut'?
* * *
To avoid others coming to know of the secret of preparation of gold, it is also a true fact that Yellappa Shastry (The custodian of Siribhuvalaya )was not giving consent to others to examine the number-circles. It is also certion that only K. Srikantaiah was aware about the Akshara Bhuvalaya. Without the support of this Akshara Bhuvalaya, it was not possible to comprehensively print the 1953 Siribhuvalaya edition. To obtain the chain of letters from the number -circles and cla them in the present forn and print is really an unimaginable task ! To classify the whole poems and foot-poems and decide their chronolgcal numbers is a daunting and impossible task to any intellectual. I have not discussed about this in detail in 'Siribhuvalayasara' . But after the publication of this book and detailed discussion with my friend , this issue again drew my attention. I have given the relevant details in my book: 'Siribhuvalayada Ayda Sangatyapadyagala Sangraha' (Pl. see. p.171) the different versions that appear in 'Akshara Bhuvalaya' and use of certion conjoined letters (samyuktkshara) are the reason for shch a view. it is also certin that the relevant documents of this great poetry was preserved in the National Archaeology even before the publication of first printed version in1953. The documents included certain original number-circles on buff paper and literature in letter/word form pertaining to Chapters 1 to 59 of the first Khanda. the article of lete shankarappa (son of elder brother of Srikantaiah) confirms that it is in the hand-writing of Srikantaiah. I have also learnt that during those days Srikantaiah used to get fair copies of his drafts done from certain college students whose Kannada writing style was good.
* * *
As already mentioned several times, the traditional Jains have no faith in Vedas. The vedic tradition people consider Jains outside the purview of Vedas. But the Yapaneeya sect of Jains, who propagate universal oneness, belive in the tenets of Vedas ! Kumudendu Muni has maentioned that the 'Senagana' sect (one of the prominent sects of Jain tradition) belonged to Rk,Branch ! ( Kumudendu Muni also belonged to 'Sena Gana' sect) then, how can Jains oppose Vedas?! ( Pl/see. chaptor 44,Foot-2.first lettered Stamba Kavya).
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Those who follow Jainism, should strictly adhere to 'Dasha Dharma' Dharma is only one: i.e., 'Manava Dharma' 'JeevaDharma' The 'dasha Dharma' in Jain tradition are:
1) Uttamakshama: A quakity of forgiving any mistakes. Shishupala is a relative of Sri Krishana. Gis mother, who knew that hewould be killed by Sri Krishna,prays Sri Krishan to spare him. Sri Krishna honours her request and promises to gorgive his 101 mistakes. when sri Krishna was worhippes during the Rajasuyayaga,Shishupala goes on scolding sri Krishana and commits 101 mistakes and consequently gets killed by Sri Krishana. this quality of gorgiveness ( without restoring to immeriate punitive action) is Uttamahshama.
2) Uttamamardava: 'Mardava' means being 'gentle' or 'soft' . that is, one should not behave rashly and rudely.
3)Uttamaarjava: Avoiding deceiving and cheating.
4)Uttamashoucha: Having a pure and divine mind; beyond any attachments (Generally, this is also referred to keeping the physical body clean).
5)Uttamasatys: Generally, not uttering a lie is referred to truth. but this is not limited to this. The state of remaining unaffected or undaunted in any country, thme and environmant is the real truth. Truth also represenys Brahma. Brahma means that which is very big and that which dies not change.
6)Uttamasamyama: leading a disciplined life by having sufficent control over the senses.
7)Uttamatapa: It means meditating, both internaly and externally, throughout about thev Lord Suprimeby Sacrificingthe wordly desires and aspirations and thereby attain ultimatesalvation (Nirjhare Moksha)
8) Uttamatyaga: Thyaga - renunciation means renouncing the wordly desires and ambitions. It does ont mean simply giving away non -wanted thinga to others.
9)Uttamaakinchinya: It denotes a feeling that except 'Jnana' (Knowledge) and 'Darshana' (sight) none else is mine. Knowledge means realization. Darsana makes us realize the invisible Lord Suprems.
10)Uttamabrahmacharya: Brahma neans that which is colossal and wich is very vast. It means becoming one with the Brahma and moving with His perception. 'Remaining unmaraied' is a very limited meaning of Branhacharya.
These are known as 'Dasha dharma' in the Jain tredition. one who follows them is known as : Dashadharmadhara. Kumudendu Muni has referred to sri Krishana as Dashadharmadhara. similarly, Sage Vyasa, who classified the Vedas is also called Dashadharmadhara. One who is aware of these things will definitely adopt a special life-style for himself. Kumudendu Muni has declared that the study of Siribhuvalaya will become a cause for creation of new people !
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Dr. S. Srikanta Shastry has written several research papers on Siribhuvalaya. After 2000, A team of scholars headed by Dr. TV Venkatachala Shastry attempted to re- print Siribhuvalaya in their own way. But it did not materialize !
Authentic information about the 1953 print version of Siribhuvalaya and the comparative analysis of the books published about Siribhuvalaya has bean dealt in 'Siribhuvalayasaara' . This book is not just a cursory introduction of Siribhuvalaya but an invaluable guid to Kannada literary researchers.
Though the hidden literature in 1953 print has been extracted and published in Siribhuvalayasaara, it is not possible to easily read it. for this reason, 'Siribhuvalayada Ayda Sangatya padyagala Sangraha' has beem published in 2011. withits publication, the Kannada readers have been enabled to read them easily and enyoy the literary fragrance of Kumudendu Muni,
'Siribhuvalaya the Tenth Wonder of the world'- which is before you now its English version by Kavi Suresh.
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Based on the inspiration of K. Ananthasubba Rao, sometimes I feel that it is height of my foolishness to have taken up this task. But what can I do? This was all pre-determined in my life and accordingly I have done this work. I appeal to all my benvolent people to pardon me for this arrogance ! if any discrepancies or shortcomings are noticed in this English version , I would like to make it clear that the translator is in no way responsible for the same. My humble submission is that it may be because of the intricacies of my Kannada introductory books. (ಮುಂದುವರೆಯುವುದು)
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