***ಸಿರಿಭೂವಲಯ ಕುರಿತು ಸುಧಾರ್ಥಿಯು ರೂಪಿಸಿರುವ
ಸರಳಪರಿಚಯಕೃತಿಗಳ ಒಂದು ಸಂಕ್ಷಿಪ್ತ ಸಮೀಕ್ಷೆ*** ಭಾಗ: ೧೦
Sanatana Dharma conciders 'Brahman' as the supreme power. Jain people consider 'brahma' as 'Arhanta' - the supreme power. Muslims consider 'Ibrahim' as a great soul,while Christians consider 'Abraham' as a great person. Ina wat based on their respectivelife doctrines people are revolving around this 'Brahma' concept only!! But very few people try to sincerely understand and realize 'Brahma'!!
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In most of the lines, the hiddenlitrature in Stamba Kavya format has beenemerged and accordingly they have been shown in their original form. When we systematically arrange then and read them in contemporart reading style, we come to know of the related litrature therein. The effort that have gone sofar in this collectively. others interested may attempt this. If God ermits, I intended to publish another collection of hidden litrature of Siribhuvalaya, on the lines of my earlier publication: 'Siribhuvalayada Sangathya Padyagala Sangraha''
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If we realize that the ancient doctrin of Vedas and the Jain doctrines which are branches of it are one and the same., it will facilitate the bridging the gap between these two traditions and get unite. the poet has, in unequivocal terms has established the ancientness of Vedic Knowledge as the 'divine voice of 'bhuvalaya' : (Pl. see Chaptor 37 - 2nd foot of the whole poems - frist lettered Stamba Kavya)
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Tamil language is in the fore-front in obtaining the highest national lingustiic states among all other laguages. This is the result of the far-sighted vision of the Tamil politicians, who play a Key role in Indian Politics! Kannada language, in this respect, has been affected quoting our ancient texts and edicts. thas in not an accidental or natural phenmmenon. This is very pre-planned political play. We have to clearly understand this situation and raise our voice. Certain importent issues relating to this are explained in this introductory book.
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The free-flow explanation of the greatness, fame, intelligence, brilliance, humility,genarosity and other eathical values of the Thirthankaras from Rushabha Deva to himself (the 26th Thirthamkara) and his preveptor linage can be seen in the Bedande metre ( aKannada metre) in Siribhuvalaya. this Bedande portion, which runs into pages, gives us a picture of the free flow os prose Kannada style in those days. Siribhuvalaya dies not simply preach 'Yoga' or is mere collection of dry doctrines of logic. We can also notice here a beautiful and attractive mix of explanations relating to both Yogic life and materialistic life. What is now rechearched and published relating to Siribhuvalaya is onlt one part of sixty! the remaining 26 chaptors of the first Khanda had to be published. with the publication of 'Siribhuvalasagara ratnamanjusha 2 , this work has also been accompilished. What about the huge heap of knowledge of the remaining 8 Khandas? only the learned should answer this. In the hidden litrature of Siribhuvalaya, if we again move in the 'Naga Bandha' and horse-gait style, the original literature and the hidden literature in horse-gait style re-emerges! This is inded a very marvelous fact!! The significance of litrary dexterity in mathematics is indeed very great and marvellous!
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It Was a daunting task to K. Srikantaiah to oeroare the 64 lettered Kannada alphabets ti the the bumber-squares is Siribhuvalaya. the 'Shabdamanidarpana' of Keshiraja, 'Kavyavalokana' of Nagavarma, or the 'Kavirajamarga' of Nrupathunga times was of no help in this task. with the nitensestudy of ' KashayapahuDa' of Kundakunda, 'ChudamaNi' of Thumbuluracharya, 'Tattvartharajavarthika' of Akalanka, 'Tiloyapanatti' and 'Chudamani' of Kumarasena (Yati vrashabha), 'Dhavalateeka' of Veerasena, 'MahapuraNa' of Jinasena, 'trishastishalakapurana' of Chavundaraya, 'Shabdanushana' of Bhattakalanka, 'Pujyapadacharita' of Padmananka and other works, he came to know about the ecistance of 64 -lettrered Kannada alphabets and a script named 'Paramagama' containing information on all shbjects. The credit for un-earthing this wonderful information goes to Siribhuvalaya Srikantaiah!
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Among thepersons who have erad the introductory books of Sudharthy onSiribhuvalaya,Jain community people are more in number. Some of them have pornly and happily welcomed this sffort whole- heartedly. Some have certaininbibtions that this work has been done by a Brahmin, a non Jain. they have also expressed these feelings directly and indirectly. Even in the Kannada liteeary field, today there are many Jains Scholars who nave earned laurels for themselves. Someone, among them, could have attempted this task. but it is a historical fact that even ajter 60 years of the printing of Akshara bhuvalaya none have attempted to simplify Siribhuvalaya.
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Siddhachakra is a popular yantra or mandala (mystical digram) used for worship in Jainism.It is also komwn as Navapada in the Svetambara tradition and Navadevata in the digambara tradition. in the Svetambara teadition it is associated with the Namokara Mantra. (ಮುಂದುವರೆಯುವುದು)
ಸರಳಪರಿಚಯಕೃತಿಗಳ ಒಂದು ಸಂಕ್ಷಿಪ್ತ ಸಮೀಕ್ಷೆ*** ಭಾಗ: ೧೦
Sanatana Dharma conciders 'Brahman' as the supreme power. Jain people consider 'brahma' as 'Arhanta' - the supreme power. Muslims consider 'Ibrahim' as a great soul,while Christians consider 'Abraham' as a great person. Ina wat based on their respectivelife doctrines people are revolving around this 'Brahma' concept only!! But very few people try to sincerely understand and realize 'Brahma'!!
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In most of the lines, the hiddenlitrature in Stamba Kavya format has beenemerged and accordingly they have been shown in their original form. When we systematically arrange then and read them in contemporart reading style, we come to know of the related litrature therein. The effort that have gone sofar in this collectively. others interested may attempt this. If God ermits, I intended to publish another collection of hidden litrature of Siribhuvalaya, on the lines of my earlier publication: 'Siribhuvalayada Sangathya Padyagala Sangraha''
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If we realize that the ancient doctrin of Vedas and the Jain doctrines which are branches of it are one and the same., it will facilitate the bridging the gap between these two traditions and get unite. the poet has, in unequivocal terms has established the ancientness of Vedic Knowledge as the 'divine voice of 'bhuvalaya' : (Pl. see Chaptor 37 - 2nd foot of the whole poems - frist lettered Stamba Kavya)
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Tamil language is in the fore-front in obtaining the highest national lingustiic states among all other laguages. This is the result of the far-sighted vision of the Tamil politicians, who play a Key role in Indian Politics! Kannada language, in this respect, has been affected quoting our ancient texts and edicts. thas in not an accidental or natural phenmmenon. This is very pre-planned political play. We have to clearly understand this situation and raise our voice. Certain importent issues relating to this are explained in this introductory book.
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The free-flow explanation of the greatness, fame, intelligence, brilliance, humility,genarosity and other eathical values of the Thirthankaras from Rushabha Deva to himself (the 26th Thirthamkara) and his preveptor linage can be seen in the Bedande metre ( aKannada metre) in Siribhuvalaya. this Bedande portion, which runs into pages, gives us a picture of the free flow os prose Kannada style in those days. Siribhuvalaya dies not simply preach 'Yoga' or is mere collection of dry doctrines of logic. We can also notice here a beautiful and attractive mix of explanations relating to both Yogic life and materialistic life. What is now rechearched and published relating to Siribhuvalaya is onlt one part of sixty! the remaining 26 chaptors of the first Khanda had to be published. with the publication of 'Siribhuvalasagara ratnamanjusha 2 , this work has also been accompilished. What about the huge heap of knowledge of the remaining 8 Khandas? only the learned should answer this. In the hidden litrature of Siribhuvalaya, if we again move in the 'Naga Bandha' and horse-gait style, the original literature and the hidden literature in horse-gait style re-emerges! This is inded a very marvelous fact!! The significance of litrary dexterity in mathematics is indeed very great and marvellous!
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It Was a daunting task to K. Srikantaiah to oeroare the 64 lettered Kannada alphabets ti the the bumber-squares is Siribhuvalaya. the 'Shabdamanidarpana' of Keshiraja, 'Kavyavalokana' of Nagavarma, or the 'Kavirajamarga' of Nrupathunga times was of no help in this task. with the nitensestudy of ' KashayapahuDa' of Kundakunda, 'ChudamaNi' of Thumbuluracharya, 'Tattvartharajavarthika' of Akalanka, 'Tiloyapanatti' and 'Chudamani' of Kumarasena (Yati vrashabha), 'Dhavalateeka' of Veerasena, 'MahapuraNa' of Jinasena, 'trishastishalakapurana' of Chavundaraya, 'Shabdanushana' of Bhattakalanka, 'Pujyapadacharita' of Padmananka and other works, he came to know about the ecistance of 64 -lettrered Kannada alphabets and a script named 'Paramagama' containing information on all shbjects. The credit for un-earthing this wonderful information goes to Siribhuvalaya Srikantaiah!
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Among thepersons who have erad the introductory books of Sudharthy onSiribhuvalaya,Jain community people are more in number. Some of them have pornly and happily welcomed this sffort whole- heartedly. Some have certaininbibtions that this work has been done by a Brahmin, a non Jain. they have also expressed these feelings directly and indirectly. Even in the Kannada liteeary field, today there are many Jains Scholars who nave earned laurels for themselves. Someone, among them, could have attempted this task. but it is a historical fact that even ajter 60 years of the printing of Akshara bhuvalaya none have attempted to simplify Siribhuvalaya.
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Siddhachakra is a popular yantra or mandala (mystical digram) used for worship in Jainism.It is also komwn as Navapada in the Svetambara tradition and Navadevata in the digambara tradition. in the Svetambara teadition it is associated with the Namokara Mantra. (ಮುಂದುವರೆಯುವುದು)
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