***ಸಿರಿಭೂವಲಯ ಕುರಿತು ಸುಧಾರ್ಥಿಯು ರೂಪಿಸಿರುವ
ಸರಳಪರಿಚಯಕೃತಿಗಳ ಒಂದು ಸಂಕ್ಷಿಪ್ತ ಸಮೀಕ್ಷೆ*** ಭಾಗ: ೧೦
At the end of each Chapter, the following details are given: 1 No. of Shredi letters+ number of hidden litearture letters. 2, The total number of letters of No.1, 3. the total No. of letters of 1 and 2 above + the total number of letters of all the previous Chaptors.However, at some places some mistakes appear in calculations. Since K. Srikanthaiah has given this information based on the palm leaf copy, the chnces of error are less. The original copy prepared by Srikantaiah and preserved in National Archaeology is not available. In an effort to project a totaly dafferent version about the research of Siribhuvalaya. I suspect that someone mya have replaced it with another copy. This has been the main reason for many of the deficiencies that have now crept in. The original copy of Srikantaiah contained his (or some others) beautiful crisp and error-less hand-writing which is very easy to read. I have seen his manuscript about 14-15 years ago in Karalamangalam and based on this , I am making this statement, If Srikantaiah had got another fair -copy done by others, then I am not aware of that. I have not seen K. Sirikantaiah personally. based on his hand-writing in his work 'Janata Samskarana' (which is preserved by his successors), I have made these comments about his hand-writing. There are chances that his hand-writing may not be that good and for that reson he mighe have got it written by some other person. This possibility also cannot be ruled out. But the copy now available in national Archaeology is very unclear, difficult to read and contains many mistakes and corrections and improper hors-gait symbol marks. Preparing another original copy based on the above version is indeed a Herculean task. This is my personay experience!!
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Our social and culteral environment during last half of the century has undergone a significant change. Preveously , acquisition of knowledge was possible only through the reading of writtrn sources (documents). Today, TV and Computres have become the main instruments of spreading the knowledge. The reading habit is on the wane. People prefer to read thouse books which are easily understandable and which are in prose style! Many people do not understand the prose style of old Kannada. Accordingly, persons who attempt to read and understand difficult poetrical works are indeed very rare. In such a situation, who can read and understand the poetry only full of numbees without any letters or words! ? Even if the numbers are converted into letters, it is very difficult to understand the poetrical literature having no double consonants. Befor reading one or two lines of the printed poetrical lines, people will feel tried ! That is the end of the reserch of Siribhuvalaya!! For this specific reason, Siribhuvalaya had remained a 'hard-nut-to-crack' in the Kannada literary field for over sixty years. Now the situation has changed. Several publication giving a glimpse of Siribhuvalaya in simple Kannada language, which can be easily read and understood, have come out. This has facilitated the interested persons to make efforts to read and understand Siribhuvalaya in its original form.
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Based on the metrical science which is prevalent now , it is possible to conclude that Siribhvalaya does not come under the purview of 'poetry '. Since Kumudendu Muni has clearly stated that his 'Sangatya' poetry is based on 'word count' (Shabda Gana) For this reason, it is not possible to expect the 'time count' (Matra Gana) in this poetry! Including the four lmnes of the 'Sangatya' ( a Kannada metre), here we find 60-72 and in some places more number of basic and compound form of letters. This, in each foot, there will be about 16 to 20 letters. But this numbers varies very much in some feet. Hence the rules of 'Matra Gana' (time-count) does not apply here. In most of the places Kumudendu Muni has followed the second lettered rhyme; however in some places it has not been adhered to. More than adherence to rulies, we must notice the dexterity in the use of words and the beauty of the use of languages which were in vogue in 3 different times. The effort and the successful accomplisment of holding the entire informastion of the univers in numeric poetrical form at that time by Kumudendu Muni is indeed a very prominent and significant point which our present day scholars should take note of. Viewed in this background, violation of grammatical or metrical rules becomes insignificant.
* * *
K. Srikantaiah has mentioned about the Jain scriptures which hold that one should have Kosta Buddhi, Beeja Buddhi, Padanusarini Buddhi, and Sanchinnashrotru Buddhi to comprehensively understand the Sarvabhashamayeebhasha of Tyirthankara. 1) Kosta Buddhi refers to the ability to comprehend the various Permutation and combinations of seed numbers 1 to 9 and instantly answer the resuilts of addition, subtraction, multiplication,division etc., of individual numbers up to 92. 2) Ability to instantly identify the seed numbers of several numbers as beeja Buddhi. 3) ability to give a comprehensive picture of any script by knowing a single number of the script is known as Padanusarini Buddhi. 4) Ability to analyse various people, languages and the sounds emanating from animals and birds at the same time and instently explain their meanings is known as Sanchinnashrotru Buddhi. Thirthankaras and Shruta Kevalis had this knowledge. In fact, it is beyond the comprehension of a common man ! Mr. George Gamov , who pursued this path, has given ceriain pictures in his book 'One, Two, Three, Infinity' . He has written in that book that he has failed in his attempt in this direction. K. Sirkantaiah has categrically stated in his artical that Siribhuvalaya has competently and successfully accomplished this task.
* * *
In the original Siribhuvalaya which has been published now, each Chapter contains about 125 to 600 poems, probably , same pattern may have been continued in the next Chaptoers or there may be still mare number of poems. However, as for as the hidden literature, depending upon the subject matter of each Chapter, only 64 'Sangatya' poens are incorporated there. Even if there are more poems, they have again started from number one. In certain places, the poem started from number one suddenly stops at some random place and poems on different subjects again start from number one. Thre are also instances where an incomplete poem is continued subsequently in some other place. This mat hinder easy undstanding. But common readers, scholars and researchers should remember that such an intricate method of narration within the limits of mathematical formulae is inevitable.
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There are several living beings on this universe such as gods, human beings, demons, animals, insects, plants, etc., of them, gods are endowed with special powers. They support the susteance of other living beings. They are also called 'Suras' The non -suras are 'Asoras' -demons. these demons, with their muscle power and the power of blessings from various Gods, have the capacity to challinge even the Gods. Among the human beings, Brahmins were also known as 'Bhusuras' (gods on earth) . They were like gods to human beings. with the passage of time and dominance of self-interest in indivdule lives, the welfare of the community took the back-seat. The tendency to exploit grew and Brahmins became infamous as social exploiters. But, the actual fact is this: Whatever may be the religion (by birth) of a persom, his success or failure in life purely depands on his previous 'Karma', He may either become a great scholar or a great saint or he may become an evil element in society irrespective of his birth in a particular cast or communuity. We find several such examphles in our contemporary times and also in history.
* * *
It is a historical truth that so for nobody has published such explosive information about Siribhuvalaya after 1953 as has been done by Sudharthy. If the same work had been done by influential University scholar , our mass media would have definitely given it wide and colourful publicity to the shock of literary lovers across the world. The unfortunate part of this is that such scholars had no patience and capacity to embark on this strenuous task ! However,Sudharthy has no desire, merit or luck to get such publicity and fame!! At the outset, this statement may appear rather arrogant or rash. But in the given situation, it is a true foct that any writer in the world would have recacted like this only!! Still, I believe that there is an invisible force behind this accomplishment and I am aware that there is nothing to take pride in this as own individual success !
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I know that many people will not easily accept the fact that Kumudendu Muni had Knowledge of all filds-science, religion, medicine, astrology etc., etc., Modern transport-road, air, and sea-is dependent on liqid power- oil. We need to pay making use of these facilities. Our ancient history tells us that many yogic people, who had extra-ordinary powers, had to the ability to move from place to place within seconds without the aid of any of these modern transport facilities (Mano-vega- at the speed of the mind). The use of 'Vimana' (aeroplane) as mentioned in Ramayana and Mahabharatha. Use of various types of ammunitions and counter-ammunitions in ancient wars cannot be rejected simply as imaginary. It is a nature's law that while some living beings live a benwvolent lives, some ither living beings prove to be very harmful and dangerous to society.
* * *
In the stamba Kavya of Siribhuvalaya, the verses (slokas) of Bhagavadgeeta emerge. Meny other version also appear here. '' ಸರ್ವಶಾಸ್ತ್ರಮಯೀಗೀತಾ ಸರ್ವವೇದಮಯೋಶಿವಃ| ಸರ್ವತೀರ್ಥಮಯೀಜ್ಞಾನಂ ಸರ್ವಧರ್ಮಮಯೋಜಿನಃ” -this statement makes it clear that vedas, Bhagavadgeeta, religion, Jina are all one! This is the most great and broad-minded religious perception of Kumudendu Muni. which is lacking in most of our contemporary Jain and Vedic tradition people. While most people speak of universal oneness liberally, when it comes to practice, they will be under the illusion that their religion/tradition is supreme! Naturally, Siribhuvalaya , which propagates universal equality, is not palatable to such people! (pl.see 35th Chaptor- from the end of 4th foot of the whole poems - last but one lettered Stamba Kavya).
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Kumudendu Muni 's Siribhuvalaya mentions at one place that the divine voice of Adi Vyasa has beem continued from Nemi. there is a reference to many Vyasas in vedic tradition script also. the vyasa who lived during the period on Nami Tharthankara was Krishanasdwaipayana Vyasa. It is said that he lived about 4000 years ago. If we consider the period of Adi Vyasa, we come to know of ancientness of his period. Presently we are in 'Kaliyuga' belonging to the 28th Chaturyuga. If we get Know in which Chaturyuga Adi Vyasa lived, then we can definitely how long he lived ? (ಮುಂದುವರೆಯುವುದು)
ಸರಳಪರಿಚಯಕೃತಿಗಳ ಒಂದು ಸಂಕ್ಷಿಪ್ತ ಸಮೀಕ್ಷೆ*** ಭಾಗ: ೧೦
At the end of each Chapter, the following details are given: 1 No. of Shredi letters+ number of hidden litearture letters. 2, The total number of letters of No.1, 3. the total No. of letters of 1 and 2 above + the total number of letters of all the previous Chaptors.However, at some places some mistakes appear in calculations. Since K. Srikanthaiah has given this information based on the palm leaf copy, the chnces of error are less. The original copy prepared by Srikantaiah and preserved in National Archaeology is not available. In an effort to project a totaly dafferent version about the research of Siribhuvalaya. I suspect that someone mya have replaced it with another copy. This has been the main reason for many of the deficiencies that have now crept in. The original copy of Srikantaiah contained his (or some others) beautiful crisp and error-less hand-writing which is very easy to read. I have seen his manuscript about 14-15 years ago in Karalamangalam and based on this , I am making this statement, If Srikantaiah had got another fair -copy done by others, then I am not aware of that. I have not seen K. Sirikantaiah personally. based on his hand-writing in his work 'Janata Samskarana' (which is preserved by his successors), I have made these comments about his hand-writing. There are chances that his hand-writing may not be that good and for that reson he mighe have got it written by some other person. This possibility also cannot be ruled out. But the copy now available in national Archaeology is very unclear, difficult to read and contains many mistakes and corrections and improper hors-gait symbol marks. Preparing another original copy based on the above version is indeed a Herculean task. This is my personay experience!!
* * *
Our social and culteral environment during last half of the century has undergone a significant change. Preveously , acquisition of knowledge was possible only through the reading of writtrn sources (documents). Today, TV and Computres have become the main instruments of spreading the knowledge. The reading habit is on the wane. People prefer to read thouse books which are easily understandable and which are in prose style! Many people do not understand the prose style of old Kannada. Accordingly, persons who attempt to read and understand difficult poetrical works are indeed very rare. In such a situation, who can read and understand the poetry only full of numbees without any letters or words! ? Even if the numbers are converted into letters, it is very difficult to understand the poetrical literature having no double consonants. Befor reading one or two lines of the printed poetrical lines, people will feel tried ! That is the end of the reserch of Siribhuvalaya!! For this specific reason, Siribhuvalaya had remained a 'hard-nut-to-crack' in the Kannada literary field for over sixty years. Now the situation has changed. Several publication giving a glimpse of Siribhuvalaya in simple Kannada language, which can be easily read and understood, have come out. This has facilitated the interested persons to make efforts to read and understand Siribhuvalaya in its original form.
* * *
Based on the metrical science which is prevalent now , it is possible to conclude that Siribhvalaya does not come under the purview of 'poetry '. Since Kumudendu Muni has clearly stated that his 'Sangatya' poetry is based on 'word count' (Shabda Gana) For this reason, it is not possible to expect the 'time count' (Matra Gana) in this poetry! Including the four lmnes of the 'Sangatya' ( a Kannada metre), here we find 60-72 and in some places more number of basic and compound form of letters. This, in each foot, there will be about 16 to 20 letters. But this numbers varies very much in some feet. Hence the rules of 'Matra Gana' (time-count) does not apply here. In most of the places Kumudendu Muni has followed the second lettered rhyme; however in some places it has not been adhered to. More than adherence to rulies, we must notice the dexterity in the use of words and the beauty of the use of languages which were in vogue in 3 different times. The effort and the successful accomplisment of holding the entire informastion of the univers in numeric poetrical form at that time by Kumudendu Muni is indeed a very prominent and significant point which our present day scholars should take note of. Viewed in this background, violation of grammatical or metrical rules becomes insignificant.
* * *
K. Srikantaiah has mentioned about the Jain scriptures which hold that one should have Kosta Buddhi, Beeja Buddhi, Padanusarini Buddhi, and Sanchinnashrotru Buddhi to comprehensively understand the Sarvabhashamayeebhasha of Tyirthankara. 1) Kosta Buddhi refers to the ability to comprehend the various Permutation and combinations of seed numbers 1 to 9 and instantly answer the resuilts of addition, subtraction, multiplication,division etc., of individual numbers up to 92. 2) Ability to instantly identify the seed numbers of several numbers as beeja Buddhi. 3) ability to give a comprehensive picture of any script by knowing a single number of the script is known as Padanusarini Buddhi. 4) Ability to analyse various people, languages and the sounds emanating from animals and birds at the same time and instently explain their meanings is known as Sanchinnashrotru Buddhi. Thirthankaras and Shruta Kevalis had this knowledge. In fact, it is beyond the comprehension of a common man ! Mr. George Gamov , who pursued this path, has given ceriain pictures in his book 'One, Two, Three, Infinity' . He has written in that book that he has failed in his attempt in this direction. K. Sirkantaiah has categrically stated in his artical that Siribhuvalaya has competently and successfully accomplished this task.
* * *
In the original Siribhuvalaya which has been published now, each Chapter contains about 125 to 600 poems, probably , same pattern may have been continued in the next Chaptoers or there may be still mare number of poems. However, as for as the hidden literature, depending upon the subject matter of each Chapter, only 64 'Sangatya' poens are incorporated there. Even if there are more poems, they have again started from number one. In certain places, the poem started from number one suddenly stops at some random place and poems on different subjects again start from number one. Thre are also instances where an incomplete poem is continued subsequently in some other place. This mat hinder easy undstanding. But common readers, scholars and researchers should remember that such an intricate method of narration within the limits of mathematical formulae is inevitable.
* * *
There are several living beings on this universe such as gods, human beings, demons, animals, insects, plants, etc., of them, gods are endowed with special powers. They support the susteance of other living beings. They are also called 'Suras' The non -suras are 'Asoras' -demons. these demons, with their muscle power and the power of blessings from various Gods, have the capacity to challinge even the Gods. Among the human beings, Brahmins were also known as 'Bhusuras' (gods on earth) . They were like gods to human beings. with the passage of time and dominance of self-interest in indivdule lives, the welfare of the community took the back-seat. The tendency to exploit grew and Brahmins became infamous as social exploiters. But, the actual fact is this: Whatever may be the religion (by birth) of a persom, his success or failure in life purely depands on his previous 'Karma', He may either become a great scholar or a great saint or he may become an evil element in society irrespective of his birth in a particular cast or communuity. We find several such examphles in our contemporary times and also in history.
* * *
It is a historical truth that so for nobody has published such explosive information about Siribhuvalaya after 1953 as has been done by Sudharthy. If the same work had been done by influential University scholar , our mass media would have definitely given it wide and colourful publicity to the shock of literary lovers across the world. The unfortunate part of this is that such scholars had no patience and capacity to embark on this strenuous task ! However,Sudharthy has no desire, merit or luck to get such publicity and fame!! At the outset, this statement may appear rather arrogant or rash. But in the given situation, it is a true foct that any writer in the world would have recacted like this only!! Still, I believe that there is an invisible force behind this accomplishment and I am aware that there is nothing to take pride in this as own individual success !
* * *
I know that many people will not easily accept the fact that Kumudendu Muni had Knowledge of all filds-science, religion, medicine, astrology etc., etc., Modern transport-road, air, and sea-is dependent on liqid power- oil. We need to pay making use of these facilities. Our ancient history tells us that many yogic people, who had extra-ordinary powers, had to the ability to move from place to place within seconds without the aid of any of these modern transport facilities (Mano-vega- at the speed of the mind). The use of 'Vimana' (aeroplane) as mentioned in Ramayana and Mahabharatha. Use of various types of ammunitions and counter-ammunitions in ancient wars cannot be rejected simply as imaginary. It is a nature's law that while some living beings live a benwvolent lives, some ither living beings prove to be very harmful and dangerous to society.
* * *
In the stamba Kavya of Siribhuvalaya, the verses (slokas) of Bhagavadgeeta emerge. Meny other version also appear here. '' ಸರ್ವಶಾಸ್ತ್ರಮಯೀಗೀತಾ ಸರ್ವವೇದಮಯೋಶಿವಃ| ಸರ್ವತೀರ್ಥಮಯೀಜ್ಞಾನಂ ಸರ್ವಧರ್ಮಮಯೋಜಿನಃ” -this statement makes it clear that vedas, Bhagavadgeeta, religion, Jina are all one! This is the most great and broad-minded religious perception of Kumudendu Muni. which is lacking in most of our contemporary Jain and Vedic tradition people. While most people speak of universal oneness liberally, when it comes to practice, they will be under the illusion that their religion/tradition is supreme! Naturally, Siribhuvalaya , which propagates universal equality, is not palatable to such people! (pl.see 35th Chaptor- from the end of 4th foot of the whole poems - last but one lettered Stamba Kavya).
* * *
Kumudendu Muni 's Siribhuvalaya mentions at one place that the divine voice of Adi Vyasa has beem continued from Nemi. there is a reference to many Vyasas in vedic tradition script also. the vyasa who lived during the period on Nami Tharthankara was Krishanasdwaipayana Vyasa. It is said that he lived about 4000 years ago. If we consider the period of Adi Vyasa, we come to know of ancientness of his period. Presently we are in 'Kaliyuga' belonging to the 28th Chaturyuga. If we get Know in which Chaturyuga Adi Vyasa lived, then we can definitely how long he lived ? (ಮುಂದುವರೆಯುವುದು)
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